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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Legacy Planning(c)?

Legacy Planning© is a boutique coaching and advisory firm that offers individuals, whether they are self-made or from a multi-generational family of wealth, the space and guidance to design their holistic, intentional and proactive legacy. As about 2/3rd’s of today’s affluent (HNW) are self-made, the personal agency of designing a holistic legacy can be both a new and exciting conversation in imagining the possibilities. As it takes a team to succeed in business, so to the idea of a team for your personal legacy is a smart planning strategy to start at any age. Legacy Planning© believes in both expanding the definition(s) of a legacy as well as our business promise of feeling more freedom, fulfillment and satisfaction. Whether you are a founder, owner, successor, investor or inheritor, our private coaching and advisory sessions offer a space to figure out how to tackle internal and external challenges, be held accountable to your values and guiding principles in the face of pressure and expectations as well as find new possibilities to be at choice in your decisions.  

Who owns Legacy Planning(c)?

Legacy Planning(c) is founded and lead by Angelina Carleton, a US based entity, that has won awards with LA Biz and other public recognition. The Canadian copyright to the intellectual property of the name is owned by the trustees of the Angela Kim Carleton Trust.

Who is behind Legacy Planning(c)?

The origin for Legacy Planning was thought up in 2012 by the founder, Angelina Carleton, while she was still working as a commercial real estate broker for NAI Capital and prior, Sperry Van Ness. She noticed many of her clients lived to chase the deal, where a broker’s value would be to not leave any money on the table, but there was a void in the advisor to help grow the other areas of their life for balance, happiness and peace of mind. Angelina saw the amount of stress her owner and investor clients carried with them, the price they often paid with their health, and realized these HNW individuals could benefit from honest advice, outside of just money. She understood the pressure to perform and be productive, to be competitive, while still being able to design a holistic legacy for one’s life in what one intentionally passes on in projecting values forward, creating pre-designed experiences and mapping out a ‘hard cover coffee table book’ as an anchor in identity and knowledge.    

How can you become a client?

Book your first online session and then, commit to the next 6 or 12 months of your life to be coached, be "coachable" in hearing new feedback and getting challenged in 'kind' honesty and allow the changes in your personal development to be received in choosing what's right and best for you and your future.


If you would like to become a Sponsor to our podcast, reach out to us at There is a team of independent contractors that work on all aspects of Legacy Planning(c), from our talented graphic designer in Romania, to various freelancers all around the world that help make this boutique business possible.

Who is Legacy Planning(c) for?

We best serve those whom are self-made entrepreneurs, with a self-starter mindset and a curiosity to learn new things in a growth mindset, perhaps with a fire in them to do things better when they look around themselves, as well as the members of the ‘Next Generation’ (or ‘Rising Generation’) community whom are expected to do well by the opportunities presented to them. The ability to trust oneself and others doesn’t just happen overnight, in growing with new responsibilities and opportunities, and processing the emotions behind new decisions.


​This isn’t just the suicides that happen in the tech sector of Silicon Valley (that no one talks about) but those that turn to drugs and alcohol because it offers escape from not knowing how to navigate complex problems. Moreover, with the transfer of wealth to the NexGen/Rising Generation in the coming years, there will be as many blind spots that need to be ‘figured out’ as there are opportunities to invest in new funds and start-up’s.

Why is Legacy Planning(c) important?

Those whom earn over $440,000 in the US are deemed to be HNW and yet, they face challenges around finding support in developing themselves beyond just their career goals or financial portfolio. Balance is key and needed for meaningful reasons to wake up each morning, in developing one’s inner world and personal agency around emotions. Some may call this emotional intelligence, emotional governance or the emotional quotient. While we may live in a world that rewards professional accomplishments, where work is enmeshed with identity, this is the default unless one chooses to set aside the time each week to grow other parts of themselves. We’re not just talking about executive presence but rather, quality of life, happiness and the soft skills that prove vital when it comes to mental health and constant change of what arrives on our doorstep. If all entrepreneurs had a coach to hold them accountable to both their standards as well as to ‘what’s real’, performers wouldn’t get lost in the game – they would honor their values with each decision by knowing themselves better. One on one professional coaching is an asset in this area.


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