What is a "Legacy" and How can Coaching Assist your Legacy Plan?
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as:
“partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them
to maximize their personal and professional potential.”
Key words in this definition are partnering, thought-provoking, and maximize potential. These are the elements that differentiate professional coaching from other forms of support for organizations or individuals. The value of a coach lies in their ability to serve as an insight-provoking partner,
supporting you, as the client, to design your own actionable and sustainable strategies for success.
Founded in 2014, Legacy Planning© represents a range of global clients in various industries. From stewarding a legacy passed on to you ... to developing a new legacy vision for the first time, we work to understand each client and their life holistically, collaborating with you, as our client, to evaluate priorities and personal culture from every angle – from desired passions to actual purpose; needed habits to manifesting outcomes; and client environments to challenges you face. We design and connect true identities to impart lasting knowledge as a form of your best wealth.
Enclosed are ten (10) habits to designing a holistic legacy plan for success:
1. Practice noticing your successes
2. Measure how often you honor your values (or guiding principle)
3. Notice the positive role models in history and around you
4. Get out your front door as often as you can (even if you feel you are in an emotional prison)
5. The status quo may not bring you happiness and meaning
6. See your own light
7. Bend emotional steel to break toxic patterns of the past
8. Success begins when you quit caring about what everyone else thinks
9. Change what you can - don't punish yourself for what you can't influence
10. Let go of artificial guilt in what others may try to project onto you.
To explore what is possible for you, book your first consultation and share where it is you are at and what it is you are facing so the power of coaching can open up new doors for your future.