Angelina Carleton

Jul 15, 20213 min

Resources for Nurturing Happy Children

Contributing Author: Leslie Campos of

As a parent, you want to protect your kids and plan for them to have a bright future. Have you ever considered designing their legacy as a part of their education while they are growing up? This could strengthen their knowledge of their family’s history, core values and heritage for the challenges they may face in their days ahead. In other words, it would help ensure their foundation and security down the road.

You also want your little ones to be happy and healthy in the here and now. Given the new pressures today that we, as adults, did not face growing up, a starting list of remedies is useful. May this simple resource guide inspire you to nurture your children's present well-being, at any age, starting today.

Make Physical Health a Family Affair

You can help your children grow strong and vibrant by making a family commitment to health. Group activities are the key for connection, momentum and accountability. No matter what is happening in the outside world, the family who exercises together improves together. You have influence with your next generation(s) to not become addicted to comfort, but rather, strive for what is possible with these starting points.

● Make time to eat together as a family to ensure you're all enjoying a healthy diet.

● Take part in group activities that encourage physical fitness, especially outdoors

● Limit screen time in the home and promote activity by leading by example.

Be Ready to Tackle Mental Health

Mental well-being is just as important as physical well-being. Help kids get in touch with their emotions. Many of us were not trained with the tools to "give language" to how it is we feel or what it is we see, hear and absorb. Children observe so much, like sponges, that it is important to create the space for open dialogue where their point of view can be expressed. Though we may not be able to change people in the outside world, we can have honesty prevail in the home as well as a respect for various perspectives.

Understand that kids may experience mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

Learn how to talk to children about mental health.

● As kids get older, make sure they have independent access to resources to support adolescent wellbeing.

Build a Village to Raise Your Children

They say it takes a village to raise a child. Build yours accordingly. There are terrific online courses today, guides and mentors and even ... websites to new find tennis partners! It takes a proactive effort to find these people of similar values and interests; Yet, the rewards are exponential compared to allowing yourself and your family to take on a victim mindset – think of this goal as a social exercise to commit to weekly, in building and expanding your circle of relationships.

● Help your kid make connections by encouraging them to participate in activities.

Take time to befriend parents of your child's peers. They will understand growing pains and offer support.

Be Prepared to Evolve With Growing Kids.

Your little ones won't stay little forever. Be open to change. They will bring new topics and challenges into the home for you to work through together as a family. Help them filter what is important and what it is they may be “sold and told” – compare your wisdom to theirs in growing and evolving together. The good news is your learning too never stops as your little ones and teenage ones bring new insights to your world.

Accept that your child may grow away from you with age. Learn to let go and trust them to make smart choices.

● As your kids get older, they will need you less. Find the silver lining of that fact by investing in yourself. This shows kids the importance of self-care.

Pursuing continuing education is another way to nurture your needs while setting a positive example for your child. Pursue your goals and be a role model.

Watching your children grow up is one of your greatest joys as a parent. That said, it isn't always easy managing children and teenagers as they change. Build a solid foundation based on healthy habits, openness, and trust. Your next generation are sure to thrive in their happiness as a result.


Leslie Campos is a blog writer who writes for entrepreneurs in building content for their websites. She can be reached at for inquiries, ideas, tips and stress busters.

Photograph Credit: Andrea Piacquadio in Budapest, Hungary
